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  • Writer's pictureColorado Mama

Who am I?

I am holding on to my resolution to do more of what makes me happy, which includes writing. My first task? To more fully introduce myself.

Obviously you know that I am a Colorado Mama! While I do report on mountain living, I want to acknowledge that there is a whole half of the state that is mountainless and that is where I came from. My family moved to the front range mountains when I was a young teenager and that is when I fully embraced my love of the mountains. I have always loved being outside, but now that I am in a forest, I feel complete. As L is growing, I see this in her as well. When she is outside in the mountains she is completely at home. She runs, climbs, and laughs more than I've ever heard from another person.

I feel like, while not every Colorado Mama lives in the mountains, that I am similar to most Colorado Mamas. I'm just trying to do the best I can for my daughter, myself, and my husband. I work full time and try to keep my home from being an absolute disaster zone. In between all of that I try to focus on being in the moment with L and doing everything I can to make her the best human being she can be. I love coffee, yoga, and reading. I occasionally like to binge watch my favorite series, or even Star Wars, on TV. But t

here is one thing that is different about me, I don't drink alcohol and I haven't for at least this past decade. I'm not entirely sure when I had my last drink because it didn't seem like a big deal at the time. Now it seems like an incredible accomplishment, especially with the way alcohol is pushed on everyone. I work hard to support everyone's journey and not push my way of life on them, but it is hard to see those close to me suffer from alcohol abuse. My head is clear, especially after cutting most sugar out of my diet, and I struggle with the clarity some days. Some days I think it would be nice to numb reality, but that is why I run and kickbox.

Some people say I'm lame and boring, but I am just trying to live my best life. If you would like to join me in my journey just send me a message. I am always looking for new running, hiking, and yoga buddies!

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