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  • Writer's pictureColorado Mama

Sundance Cafe

I spent years recommending the Sundance to campers and other random tourists, but I had never stepped foot in the place! I think that's funny, but I finally ventured over there last week.

I was pleasantly surprised by the portion sizes for the price. I ordered a $3.00 mini cheeseburger for L. It seemed to be the perfect size and she loved it! I really didn't know what to order for myself so I just got nachos. There were lots of sandwiches and burgers on the menu, but those are tough for me to eat with braces so I steer clear if I can. My husband ate all his grilled chicken sandwich so it must have been delicious because he never finishes food. My sister-in-law had fettuccine alfredo and loved it.

They have actual coloring books for the kids with a mug of assorted crayons and colored pencils. The two toddlers loved handing crayons back and forth between bouts of tossing them on the ground and saying "Uh oh." They were typical toddlers! I was impressed at how well they did in the small restaurant. Neither one really got too upset about anything. They smiled, talked, and colored before dinner came. There was one point that L started talking pretty loudly because that's who she is, and other diners seemed to be annoyed. The staff didn't seem to mind, but the people having their after dinner drinks were shooting us dirty looks. I can't ask my toddler to be seen and not heard, I want her to use her voice as long as she has it. I did, however, ask her to speak quietly.

Overall, great place! I still highly recommend the Sundance and now I can speak about the deliciousness and value!

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